The Positive Muscle

“Positive energy is like muscle. The more you use it the stronger it gets." -The Energy Bus, Jon Gordan

Here is a challenge for you. Each night before you go to bed, take time to think of 3 positives from your day. It could be a simple as you had a good cup of coffee in the morning or as big as you got a promotion. Whatever it may be, training your brain to consciously recognize the positive will slowly change your thinking. You will soon find yourself seeing the positive in a lot more, even in situations that seem all negative. You have to train yourself to see things in a more positive light. You can change yourself from being a glass half empty to a glass half full person, but it takes training, it takes you actively seeking out the bright spots in your day. Another way to do this is each morning, listing 5-10 things you are thankful for. When you do this, you provide yourself with a base to see all the greatness in your life. Soon, you may not even need to think about the positives in your life, you will just recognize them and appreciate them :)
