animoto video

For this project, at least with the free version of Animoto, I sadly had to adjust how long each image could be viewed for to fit in the 30 seconds allowed. Some images only appear for a mere second, while others are viewed for 2-3 seconds. I had to make the decisions as to which photos I believed had the most impact and thus had a longer viewing time. The song I choose was a preset option with the style I choose (called "Hi, I'm Bold!"), as I do not have any of my own music downloaded to my computer (Spotify user!). But, they way I trimmed down the song seemed to fit well with the dynamic burst of transitions between the images. Though some of the images pass by quicker than I would like, overall I am happy with how it turned out, especially for the sake of the assignment. I think if I were needing multiple dynamic, and diverse end products, I would consider purchasing the Pro version.
